A Comprehensive Guide to Using Doxycycline for Bronchitis

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Tetracycline antibiotics like Doxycycline are used to treat various health conditions. In this article, you will find everything you need to know about Doxycycline for bronchitis. Continue reading for more information.

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7 Common Symptoms of Bronchitis | Doxycycline for Bronchitis 7 Common Symptoms of Bronchitis

Can Doxycycline Treat Bronchitis?

Doxycycline is widely used in treating bacterial infections and has returned positive responses for bronchitis patients.

As an antibiotic, it can only treat acute Bronchitis and some acute manifestations of chronic Bronchitis that result from bacterial infections. It’s not recommended for the treatment of chronic Bronchitis.

You may use it to treat anthrax, respiratory tract infections, and bacterial infections, prevent malaria and cure other infectious diseases caused by ticks and mites, among other things.

What Is Bronchitis?

Bronchitis is the term used to explain the inflammation of the bronchial tract in the lungs. You may begin experiencing incessant coughs when the big and medium-sized airways (bronchi) are inflamed in the lungs.

Bronchitis usually results from bacterial or viral infections. Cigarette smoke, dust, and other forms of air pollution are all variables that contribute to the risk.

In addition to sputum production and chest discomfort, other symptoms include wheezing, breathlessness, and coughing up blood. Therefore, Bronchitis deserves prompt medical attention before it escalates.

Overall, it is a condition that is less frequent and affects a smaller percentage of the population.

According to a report from CDC, just 9.3 million Americans were diagnosed with chronic Bronchitis in 2018.

Difference Between Bronchitis and Pneumonia

Bronchitis varies from pneumonia. However, both have to do with the lungs.

If you are experiencing a cold or some level of cough, and suspect you may have either pneumonia or Bronchitis, here is how to tell which one is responsible.

Definition – First, Bronchitis and pneumonia involve inflammation. While Bronchitis is the inflammation of the large and medium airways of the lungs (Bronchi), pneumonia is the inflammation of the Alveoli, which are those tiny airways in the lungs.

Symptoms – These symptoms are quite similar, with slight differences. The symptoms of Bronchitis include nausea, diarrhea, coughing, chest discomfort, and wheezing.

At the same time, symptoms of pneumonia can be similar to upper respiratory tract conditions, including wheezing, cough, breathlessness, and fever.

Causes – Smoking cigarettes or tobacco can cause Bronchitis which could result from viral and bacterial infections. While pneumonia usually results from bacterial and virus infections. It can also be caused by asthma and other pulmonary diseases.

Treatments – Bronchitis can be treated with antibiotics like Doxycycline, especially if it’s not chronic.

Other treatments include rest, cessation of smoking, and use of inhalers. On the other hand, you may treat pneumonia with anti-cold and antibiotic medicines, etc.

Types of Bronchitis

There are two primary forms of Bronchitis, namely acute and chronic.

Acute Bronchitis

A viral infection can trigger the acute form of Bronchitis. It may also result from bacterial infection.

In most situations, acute Bronchitis clears up within two weeks. However, the cough accompanying the illness might continue for many weeks after the virus disappears.

If the problem is viral, antibiotics like Doxycycline are of little value. Based on a randomized controlled trial by the National Library of Medicine, Doxycycline is ineffective in treating acute Bronchitis in healthy adults.

Wheezing may need the use of an inhalation medication to clear your airways.

Contagious – Acute Bronchitis is also infectious because of the virus or bacterial infection involved in the illness. When not properly managed, it can spread to people around you.

Chronic Bronchitis

You should know you have chronic Bronchitis when you experience a persistent cough lasting at least two years and occurring at least three months per year.

Most of the time, people get lung diseases like Bronchitis because they smoke tobacco. Other things, like air pollution and genetics, play a minor role.

Prescribed treatments include cessation of smoking, vaccines, rehabilitation, inhaled bronchodilators, and steroids.

What Are the Symptoms of Bronchitis?

The following symptoms will usually accompany Bronchitis, depending on the type or severity:

  • Frequent cough
  • Discolored mucus
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Body weakness
  • Short breath
  • Wheezing
  • Headache
  • Lack of energy
  • Lowers your immune system

Overall, acute Bronchitis lasts 3-10 days. It can affect your body and result in chest tightening, making it hard to breathe and making you gasp.

A few days after your immune system eradicates the infection, you’ll begin to feel better.

On the other hand, chronic Bronchitis almost always results in breathing difficulties and other respiratory complications, particularly if the patient’s immune system is compromised.

How Is Bronchitis Treated?

Antibiotics can be used to treat Bronchitis if it results from bacterial infections. They destroy bacterial illnesses by killing the causative germs.

However, antibiotics might cause side effects such as headache, nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.

Most chronic cases of Bronchitis are usually caused by tobacco or cigarette smoking. Therefore, before treating it at this level, you must stop smoking.

Other treatments include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, paracetamol, and enough rest.

Acute Bronchitis caused by pertussis may be treated with antibiotics, although this is unusual.

However, there is minimal evidence to support the use of cough medication, and it’s unsafe for children under six.

What Medications Are Used To Treat Chronic Bronchitis?

To treat Chronic Bronchitis caused by tobacco intake and smoking, you must stop smoking. The treatments alleviate symptoms, avoid complications, and delay disease development.

However, if you continue smoking cigarettes, you will further harm your lungs. Here are the common medications for treating Bronchitis:

Antibiotics – Antibiotics like Doxycycline Hyclate can be used to fight respiratory infections.

Use of anti-steroid inflammatory drugs

Vaccines – Vaccines serve as preventive measures. You can receive flu shots or pneumonia vaccines periodically to wade off the sickness.

Oxygen therapy – Usually required for a deteriorated breathing condition.

Surgery – This is usually the last resort; the other treatments fail.

You may use some oral inhalation drugs like Aclidinium bromide and Revefenacin to manage chronic Bronchitis.

Other helpful chronic pulmonary disease drugs include Ozagrel and Cefdinir.

How Effective Is Doxycycline for Bronchitis?

Doxycycline is effective for treating acute Bronchitis caused by bacterial infections. According to a study from eHealth, deducted from 25 users of Doxycycline, Doxycycline has a moderate effect on the treatment of Bronchitis.

Another report published in 2017 also confirms that antibiotics like Doxycycline are effective in treating acute Bronchitis.

The report shows Doxycycline seems more effective in older adults above 50 years.

However, it doesn’t seem to have a long-term effect on bronchitis treatment. That implies that it’s only suitable for acute situations and will not be a lasting medication for chronic Bronchitis.

Some user reviews are biased about its effectiveness in treating Bronchitis.

Some users reported being cured only after a few days with the medication, while others said there was no progress. That depends on the severity of the illness and would require a doctor’s careful examination.

It’s also possible that the cases of doxycycline treatments recorded with negative responses weren’t Bronchitis.

According to reports and user reviews, Doxycycline effectively treats acute Bronchitis. Ensure to take it correctly and always follow the doctors’ diagnosis.

Is Doxycycline Good For Bronchitis?

Yes. Doxycycline is excellent for treating bronchitis cases caused by bacterial infections. In most cases, you’d be required to use an initial 200mg of Doxycycline and a continuous 100mg daily dosage to eradicate the bacteria fully.

Sometimes, if the bronchitis situation is very serious, you may have to use 200 mg of the drug more than once.

Everything depends on the doctors’ diagnoses and recommendations.

How Long Does Doxycycline Take to Cure Bronchitis?

How long Doxycycline will take to cure Bronchitis depends on the nature of the issue at hand. Some patients report a positive response within 48 hours of taking Doxycycline for Bronchitis.

Generally, antibiotics will take 7 to 14 days to eradicate the bacteria and sometimes could last up to 28 days.

So, generally, it should take Doxycycline between 7 to 14 days to cure Bronchitis, all things being equal.

How To Take Doxycycline for Bronchitis

Take the required dosage of Doxycycline with a glass of water. Ensure to follow the doctor’s prescription and stick to the rules on the drug label. The rules may vary based on the brand used.

Most antibiotics require you to follow a set of routines; sometimes, the drug intake lasts between 5 to 14 days.

Carefully follow the routine and don’t break the medication halfway, as that can strengthen the virus against the antibiotic even if the symptoms are gone.

If liquid, measure the correct dosage with a spoon according to the doctor’s prescription.

The dosage administered depends on your age and overall symptoms. Most antibiotics’ dosages may range from 50mg to 400mg.

Depending on the doctor’s prescription, it may be administered once a day or split morning and evening.

Drugs That You Should Not Use With Doxycycline

When you use Doxycycline alongside some drugs, it can lead to serious side effects and drug interactions.

For example, avoid using Doxycycline with Aminolevulinic acid, Isotretinoin, and other typhoid and cholera vaccines, as that could worsen the situation and lead to severe consequences.

How To Reduce the Risk of Getting Bronchitis

Prevention is better than cure; hence, you must follow the general health guidelines that improve your overall well-being.

The preventive care for acute and chronic Bronchitis may vary, but they all revolve around staying healthy.

How To Prevent Acute Bronchitis

Ensure always to take enough rest to keep your body system functioning well. Stress can lower your immune system and give room to bacterial infections.

Always keep yourself clean and wash your hands regularly. Use hand sanitizers to keep your hand free from infections.

If you are on a vaccine routine (Flu or pneumonia vaccines), follow it judiciously.

Bacterial infections are contagious. Maintain social distance from those coughing incessantly or whom you suspect may have Bronchitis or other chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD).

How To Prevent Chronic Bronchitis

Avoid Inhaling chemicals and substances. Use masks if you can’t avoid them.

Avoid clouds of dust and smoky environments. Use nose covers where necessary.

Quit smoking if you do. Tobacco intake is the leading cause of chronic Bronchitis.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Doxycycline is not suitable for treating coughs but may relieve coughs caused by bacterial infections, especially for older people. It is an antibiotic used to heal some types of bacterial diseases like chest colds. 

Online drug user reviews suggest Doxycycline is more effective for treating bacterial infections than Amoxicillin. However, it is unsuitable for pregnant women and children below eight. 

You can take milk or other suitable dairy products one or two hours before and after using Doxycycline. 

Doxycycline may lose its potency if you miss the dosage. In addition, it can make the bacteria develop resistance to the drug. Do not miss your antibiotic drug dose because that can make the treatment ineffective. 

Yes! Doxycycline can be used to treat chest colds. However, it is not suitable for treating chronic bronchitis. 

The duration of Doxycycline treatment for bronchitis may vary based on the seriousness of the condition. Average Doxycycline therapy for bronchitis may range from 10 to 28 days. 

Possibly, Doxycycline may be suitable for some chest infections. However, contact your doctor for the best medication for you.

Yes! Doxycycline is an effective drug for treating lung infections. However, some natural remedies like taking enough water and giving your body a proper rest might also be a great help.

When You Should See A Doctor

Consider seeing a doctor if the symptoms are severe. The moment you notice incessant coughing beyond common cold, see a doctor.

See a doctor when you notice restlessness, chest pain, discolored mucus with blood stains, chest cold, unusual weakness, and fever.

Ready to Seek Professional Help?

Bronchitis can get severe if you do not see a doctor. The good news is that you do not have to wait in a long queue to see a doctor.

At Doctoralexa, you’ll get a convenient, fast, and confidential online telemedicine service. We will diagnose your condition and further recommend the correct prescription directly to your doorstep.

Plus, our services are very affordable. Don’t hesitate. Call DoctorAlexa right away.

The content on Doctor Alexa’s blog is reviewed by Advanced practice registered nurses or pharmacist and is intended for educational purposes only. This information should not be relied upon as professional medical counsel. Be sure to always consult with your physician about the dangers and benefits of any medication, treatment or procedure.

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