Erectile Dysfunction


Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile dysfunction treatment for only $49. No insurance needed. Consult with a doctor online and get prescription sent to any pharmacy of your choice.

Start Treatment

How it Works


Step 1: Intake Form 

Complete a quick online intake visit form, anywhere on your phone or computer.



Step 2: Online Visit

Your form is reviewed by our medical providers in minutes. We may contact you for additional information



Step 3: Prescription

We send prescriptions to your selected pharmacy. if we are unable to treat, you will be issued a full refund



Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is common in males particularly over the age of 40.  A man who finds it difficult getting or keeping an erection long enough to have sex or other sexual activities is considered to have ED. Causes of ED include is low hormone levels, obesity, smoking, side effect of medications, and high cholesterol. Common treatments including Hormone Replacement. Medications work by opening the blood flow needed for erections thus enhancing the natural reaction to penile stimulation.
Other less common treatments include penile injections surgical, usually reserved for severe cases. When using the pills, it is best to start with a low dose and increase as needed. It is also advisable to try out different prescription pills (do not use together) to see which works best. Erectile Dysfunction can be distressing and lead to relationship difficulties, anxiety, and depression. Counselling may help resolve the cause of erectile dysfunction. Performance anxiety may be overcome by breaking the cycle of failure with these tablet treatments.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Difficulty getting an erection
  • Trouble keeping an erection
  • Reduced sexual desire


Sildenafil (Viagra)

Although your primary care provider may provide refills for the prescription, situations occur when you are unable to visit your primary care provider due to unavailability of an appointment or you need an appointment after hour. DoctorAlexa can help in those situations and provide an online prescription refills. We send the online prescription to a pharmacy of your choice.


Online prescriptions from licensed US medical professionals.

We provide online consultation needed to refill prescription at a local at a pharmacy for medication that you are already taking and also provide consultation for new prescription medications. Just complete a medical consultation with one of our licensed medical provider  and get your prescription refill forwarded to a pharmacy of your choice. During the consultation, let the doctor know about any current prescriptions or other over the counter medications you are  presently taking so that we can better serve you.