9 Tips to Kill Tooth Pain Nerve in 3 Seconds Permanently

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Tooth pain can be devastating and debilitating because it doesn’t just entail pain in the mouth — the ache can encompass your head and even the rest of your body. But what if you could eliminate that excruciating pain in just three seconds? Read this article to learn how to kill tooth pain nerve in 3 seconds permanently. Read on to learn more about emergency dental care and finding tooth pain relief immediately.

What Does Nerve Tooth Pain Feel Like?

Tooth pain can be an excruciating experience, often triggered by a damaged nerve in the tooth. The pain sensation is typically sharp and shooting from the affected area. It can cause persistent throbbing feelings that last for hours or days without relief.

Many people report feeling:

  • A sudden, sharp pain as soon as the nerve is exposed or damaged
  • Constant throbbing and aching sensations that are difficult to ignore
  • Sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures in the area of the affected nerve
  • Unbearable pain that can interfere with daily activities

All these symptoms can make tooth pain a harrowing experience. As such, it’s best to seek treatment as soon as possible.

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How To Kill Tooth Pain Nerve In 3 Seconds Permanently

There’s no magic formula for instantly relieving pain from a toothache, but there are a few practical ways to kill tooth pain nerve in 3 seconds permanently.

Root Canal

Root canals are a regular dental procedure that permanently eliminates nerve pain in teeth. A dentist drills into the tooth during the procedure and removes the infected pulp causing pain. They then fill the area with an inert material and seal it with a temporary or permanent filling. This effectively kills the nerve in your tooth, relieving you of any further discomfort.

Root canals have a very high success rate and effectively eliminate tooth pain. A majority of patients reported complete relief from tooth pain after the procedure. Sometimes, the dentist takes less than three seconds to administer the anesthetic and work on your tooth.

The thought of drilling into the tooth and removing the infected pulp material may seem daunting. However, dentists routinely perform this procedure, which is relatively painless for patients.

Tooth Removal

Another quick option for relieving tooth pain is removing the affected tooth. Although this may sound drastic, it can be a viable solution for those who experience severe, chronic toothaches that don’t respond to other treatments.

Removing the affected tooth immediately stops the associated nerve pain and ends any further discomfort. This procedure can also help you avoid potentially more severe oral health complications such as infection or damage to surrounding teeth and gums.

However, dentists consider this a last resort since it is irreversible. However, your dentist can fix a dental implant as a substitute. Before you opt for tooth removal, consult your dentist and explore other options that don’t involve permanent extraction of the affected tooth.

Best Painkiller for Tooth Nerve Pain

Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen, or aspirin can temporarily relieve tooth nerve pain. These work by reducing inflammation in the area, which can help ease discomfort. These painkillers are available over-the-counter and can be taken to help with pain management.

Nonetheless, as with any other type of medication, you should always consult your doctor before taking these drugs and follow the instructions on the label. They can have unpleasant side effects, including gastrointestinal issues and liver damage.

Related: How to Use Home Remedies for Tooth Infection

Home Remedies for Killing Nerve in Tooth

Here are some natural remedies to help kill your tooth’s nerve pain.

Cold Compress

Applying a cold or ice compress to the affected site can help reduce nerve pain in your tooth. Cold constricts blood vessels, which reduces inflammation and numbs the area. To do this, wrap some ice cubes or crushed ice in a towel and apply it to the side of your face where you feel the pain for 15 minutes.

This can help alleviate nerve pain in your tooth for a time. Make sure to take breaks since ice compresses can cause skin irritation if used for too long.

Saltwater Rinse

A salt water mouth rinse has always been an excellent remedy for tooth pain. It helps relieve inflammation and swelling in the gums and kills the bacteria causing infection. Pour a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water, then swirl it around your dental cavity for about 30 seconds before spitting it back out.

Salt can also help relieve toothache pain by removing the fluids that cause swelling and reducing inflammation. As such, it is an effective way to kill nerve pain in your tooth, with results seen within three seconds.


Mouthwash can help kill nerve pain in your tooth. For best results, look for an antiseptic mouthwash that contains chlorhexidine gluconate or fluoride. These ingredients have been shown to reduce the inflammation and pain associated with a damaged tooth nerve. To use it, swish the mouthwash in your dental cavity for at least 30 seconds before spitting it out.

Hydrogen Peroxide

This natural disinfectant can help reduce the inflammation and pain associated with toothaches. Pour equal parts of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide into a cup. Use this mixture as a mouthwash for 30 seconds to one minute twice daily. Avoid overdoing it since this compound can be corrosive to the tissues in your mouth.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is a natural antiseptic and anesthetic that can help kill tooth nerve pain. It has been found to reduce inflammation, and its antibacterial properties make it great for reducing sensitivity in the tooth. To use oregano oil, dilute one to two drops with a teaspoon of olive or coconut oil and apply thrice daily to your aching tooth.

Peppermint Tea

This tea is a natural remedy that has proven effective in killing tooth nerve pain. You only need to steep two teaspoons of peppermint leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes, then strain the tea. You can add some honey if you desire it.

The menthol content of the peppermint helps reduce inflammation while numbing the affected area, relieving nerve pain.

Fresh Garlic

Garlic has long been known as a natural remedy for toothache. For this method, crush one fresh garlic clove and dab it on the affected area. The garlic will help to kill any bacteria in your mouth which may be causing the pain.

Thyme and Clove Essential Oils

Thyme and clove oils are powerful antiseptics and natural painkillers. Simply combine a few drops of each essential oil in a cup or bowl of warm water, then swish the mixture around your mouth for a few seconds to reduce inflammation and kill nerve pain.

Do Muscle Relaxers Help With Tooth Nerve Pain?

Muscle relaxers are a medicine commonly used to help people find relief from muscle spasms and other types of pain. They primarily help people with chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.

They also offer additional benefits. In some cases, muscle relaxers can help with tooth nerve pain relief. Muscle relaxers work by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain.

As such, they can help reduce the perception of tooth nerve pain. Additionally, muscle relaxers may effectively reduce inflammation in the area, which can offer some pain relief.

However, muscle relaxers are not a cure-all for tooth nerve pain and should be used cautiously. If taken incorrectly or at too high of doses, they may have dangerous side effects such as drowsiness and dizziness. Moreover, some types of muscle relaxers may interact with other medications you are taking, so it is vital to consult your doctor before using them.

What’s the Best Painkiller for Severe Toothache Relief?

OTC medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen may temporarily relieve those experiencing intense and persistent discomfort from tooth decay or gum disease. However, if the pain is particularly severe and persistent, your dentist might suggest taking prescription-strength medication such as codeine or hydrocodone.

These medications can relieve but don’t address the root cause of your toothache. In some cases, the pain might return after taking a prescription medication. That’s when it becomes vital to look at more permanent solutions.

How To Relieve Pain at Home Until You Can Get to a Dentist

Here are three things you can do at home to help relieve the pain until you can get professional treatment from a dentist:

Apply an ice pack directly onto your cheek near the affected area of your mouth for about 15 minutes at a time throughout the day. The cold temperature will reduce swelling and inflammation, and the pressure should help dull the pain.

According to package instructions, take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Be sure to swallow the pill with a full glass of water for best results.

Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater several times daily, especially after meals and snacks, to reduce inflammation and discourage bacteria growth in your mouth that could worsen symptoms.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A root canal and tooth removal are viable options for those experiencing nerve pain in their tooth. They address nerve pain by either removing the affected tooth or eliminating its infection. A dentist can only perform these procedures and instantly eliminate nerve pain.

The maximum dosage for pain medication is eight tablets in 24 hours. Painkillers are not recommended for long-term use as they can cause other health problems.

You can take a painkiller the first time you experience tooth nerve pain. Then, please schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to identify the cause of your toothache and get it treated.

Going through a root canal procedure permanently kills a tooth nerve. During the procedure, your dentist will numb the area around your tooth before drilling into it to remove decay and bacteria inside the root canal. Then they will fill the area with a unique material to seal off the opening and eliminate further pain or infection.

This is a great way to avoid future problems with the same tooth. However, root canals may take several sessions since your dentist wants to ensure the infection is completely gone before sealing the area. Otherwise, the infection could come back.

The content on Doctor Alexa’s blog is reviewed by Advanced practice registered nurses or pharmacist and is intended for educational purposes only. This information should not be relied upon as professional medical counsel. Be sure to always consult with your physician about the dangers and benefits of any medication, treatment or procedure.

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