The Most Effective Yeast Infection Treatment for Men

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Yeast infections are painful and uncomfortable. Though commonly thought of as a female problem, they can affect everyone. Male yeast infections are not as prevalent as their female counterpart but are just as important to treat.

What Is a Male Yeast Infection?

Male candidiasis is a yeast overgrowth infection in the penile area. Yeast infections can occur on the skin’s surface but can also be internal. Risks arise when the infection spreads to the bloodstream and can quickly cause a hospital visit, though this is rare. This article comprehensively discusses yeast infection treatment for men.

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Male Candidiasis Causes and Risk Factors

The fungus candida, which is expected in the body, is the leading cause of candidiasis. When Candida grows out of control, a yeast overgrowth infection occurs. Multiple factors can cause that growth, but the most common is moist environments.

Having sex with a female partner with vaginal candidiasis without a condom is one cause of penile candidiasis. Intercourse isn’t the only cause or risk factor, though; see others below:

  • Improper hygiene of the genital region
  • Weakened immune system
  • Certain medications like antibiotics
  • Tight-fitting underwear or pants
  • Wearing wet clothing for long periods
  • Certain soaps and skin care products
  • Diabetes
  • Using lubricated condoms or flavored lube
  • Spermicides
  • Obesity
  • Being uncircumcised

The most important part to prevent penile yeast infections is keeping a clean and dry genital region.

Male candidiasis Symptoms

Common symptoms of penile yeast infection include:

  • Pain or discomfort during intercourse
  • Fowl smelling discharge
  • A burning sensation during urination
  • Itchiness
  • Redness or swelling of the penis
  • White, shiny patches on the tip of the penis
  • Small red spots on the tip of the penis
  • Difficulty pulling back the foreskin for uncircumcised men
  • Thick, white discharge beneath the foreskin or other folds

Yeast overgrowth infection does not always cause pain or itchiness right away. Checking your penis regularly for changes in the skin could help you get treatment faster.

Some of these symptoms might be present in other penile-related conditions, such as sexually transmitted diseases. While yeast overgrowth infections have an easy fix with over-the-counter medication, seeing a doctor when symptoms occur is essential.

You can see a primary healthcare provider to diagnose most conditions, and a urologist might also be recommended if you have painful urination.

Candidiasis Diagnosis For Men

Once you arrive at your appointment, a healthcare provider will diagnose your condition by asking about your symptoms and examining your genitals. Samples of any discharge might be collected to confirm a fungal infection is present.

Usually, your primary care can diagnose. However, if you can not get in quickly, you can see an urgent care or emergency department if you have severe symptoms. The correct diagnosis must be made before treatment to prevent worsening symptoms for men’s health.

Yeast Infection Treatment For Men

The most common treatment involves antifungal ointments or creams applied to the infected area. There are a few types, with the most common yeast infection treatment for men being:

  • Miconazole (Monistat, Cruex, Desenex, Ting Antifungal)
  • Clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF, Canesten, Mycelex)
  • Imidazole (Selezen)

These are available as over-the-counter medications. Long-term or recurring infections require something more potent and, thus, a prescription.

A heavier-duty drug could be Fluconazole, which is an oral medication to treat serious fungal infections. Hydrocortisone or antifungal creams might also be prescribed to treat yeast infections.

If you are sexually active, your partner should also receive treatment to prevent them from getting the infection or giving it back to you. Wearing a condom or abstaining from sex are also ways to prevent the spread of a yeast infection.

In some severe cases, circumcision might be recommended.

4 methods of yeast infection treatment for men

Natural Yeast Infection Treatment For Men

You can also try some home remedies for mild infections for relief. These work to treat an already occurring condition and help prevent future ones.

  • Cleaning and drying your penis thoroughly,
  • pulling back the foreskin to get underneath
  • Managing your diabetes to prevent sugar spikes
  • Weight loss
  • Washing with just water, avoiding soaps

If you’re looking for a quicker solution to your yeast infection, look no further than your kitchen!

Garlic is a potent antifungal and is a perfect addition to your diet. Note that this is not recommended to be applied topically! Garlic is also an irritant and can hurt the sensitive membranes of the penis.

Oregano, coconut, and tea tree oil are topical solutions you can try. These act as natural antifungals and help quickly relieve symptoms like itchiness and redness. You can also add these to your bath to soak the affected area.

Finally, apple cider vinegar is another kitchen staple that can help. You can add it to your diet by mixing in a tablespoon with a glass of water. Or you can add some to your bath water to soak.

Ultimately, medication is the fastest and best way to solve a yeast overgrowth infection, but there are certain situations in which you might not be able to use it. You can also use these natural remedies in conjunction with medication.

Read also: Penile Yeast Infection

Can Probiotics Treat or Prevent Yeast Overgrowth?

Probiotics are commonly recommended to treat vaginal candidiasis. It works by balancing the pH of the vagina and controlling fungal growth. However, it is an excellent preventative treatment for men as well!

Probiotics help balance the healthy gut bacteria and prevent an overgrowth of yeast, which might cause an infection. Get your daily dose of probiotics in yogurt or pickled food like sauerkraut and kimchi.

How Long Does Male Candidiasis Last?

Once you start treatment, you should expect symptoms to clear in one to three weeks. Male candidiasis can last a while and can be challenging to eliminate. If symptoms do not improve or worsen after one to three weeks, it might be time to discuss other treatment options.

Candidiasis Complications For Men

Long-term or recurring candidiasis can lead to some other complications.


Candida balanitis is one of the most common complications and is characterized by swelling of the head of the penis. In some cases, the foreskin can also swell with the head of the penis, causing balanoposthitis.

This condition is painful and can make it difficult to pull back the foreskin or urinate. If left untreated, it can cause scarring or adhesions on the penis, making it permanently harder to pull back your foreskin. If this occurs, a doctor might recommend circumcision.

Invasive Candidiasis

A more serious condition occurs when the yeast infection enters the bloodstream. People with a weakened immune system or waiting too long to receive treatment are most at risk of this condition.

Oral antifungal medicine will be administered over several weeks to get the infection under control.

You are also at risk of this condition if you are hospitalized with a catheter to urinate. Medical staff will watch you closely to catch this severe condition before it occurs.

Symptoms that indicate the yeast infection has spread to your bloodstream include a high fever, chills, nausea or vomiting, and a headache.

Other Complications

These and other complications can occur with untreated yeast overgrowth infection or if you have other risk factors. Medical conditions such as diabetes or HIV can increase your chances of developing a further disease.

Medical treatments like taking immunosuppressants, receiving chemotherapy or radiation, or receiving dialysis treatment can also increase your risk.

How to Prevent Recurrent Candidiasis

If you want to stop your infection from returning or even occurring in the first place, try these preventative techniques below.

  • Thoroughly clean and dry your penis with just water in every shower
  • Cleaning and drying your penis after sex
  • Using unscented soap if needed
  • Wear a condom during sex
  • Wearing loose-fitting, cotton underwear

When To See A Doctor

Though it is vital to see a doctor the moment any genital infection occurs, some other reasons should make you seek out medical care.

If symptoms fail to improve or worsen after one to three weeks, you will want to see the doctor again. You should get medical care if you are experiencing a sudden tightness of the foreskin that prevents you from pulling it back.

Lastly, you will also want to see prompt medical care if you suddenly have difficulty urinating or lose the ability to urinate due to swelling of the urethra.

Read also: How to Use Diflucan for Yeast Infection

Frequently Asked Questions

In short, yes! Male yeast infections aren’t as common as female yeast infections. However, they still occur in about 3 to 11% of males.

Some multiple ointments and creams might be prescribed for a yeast infection; your doctor will determine what is best for you. You can also try several home remedies, but ultimately, medication is best.

Monistat 7 is a vaginal yeast infection treatment, though you can still use it in yeast infection treatment for men. The applicator is made to enter the vagina and push the medicated cream in. You can push the cream into your hand instead. As always, consult a doctor before using.

Yes, just like having sex with someone with candidiasis can cause one on you, the inverse is true. Refraining from intercourse while you have a yeast infection won’t just keep your partner safe. It will also help your condition heal faster.

Candidiasis is caused by the fungus Candida. Jock-itch is typically caused by a different type of fungi called dermatophytes. Proper diagnosis between these two conditions means you can receive the correct medication.

Though you can get candidiasis through intercourse, it is not the only way. Thus, candidiasis is not regarded as an STD.

These two conditions are not related and are caused by two different things. A yeast overgrowth infection is a fungal infection, while chlamydia is a bacterial. However, the antibiotics you might take to clear up chlamydia can increase your yeast infection risk.

The content on Doctor Alexa’s blog is reviewed by Advanced practice registered nurses or pharmacist and is intended for educational purposes only. This information should not be relied upon as professional medical counsel. Be sure to always consult with your physician about the dangers and benefits of any medication, treatment or procedure.

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