Wellbutrin vs Zoloft: Which One Is Best For Depression?

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Having depression and anxiety can be debilitating. It can make it really hard to concentrate at work, be social, or even take care of yourself. That’s why finding the right medication is so important. There are a lot of different antidepressant medications available on the market, and it certainly can be challenging to decide which one suits you best. Wellbutrin vs Zoloft are two of the most popular antidepressants, but which is better? If you’re considering these two medications, read this blog post to see which option might be a better fit for you.

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Wellbutrin vs Zoloft

Wellbutrin is a medication that is used to treat major depressive disorder. It is a selective norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI), which increases the levels of these two neurotransmitters in the brain.

This can help to improve mood and relieve symptoms of depression. Wellbutrin is also sometimes used to treat other conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), generalized anxiety disorder, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). In addition, Wellbutrin is also prescribed for smoking cessation. The medication is available in different forms and is generally well-tolerated by most people.

On the other hand, Zoloft is classed as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), inhibiting the serotonin reuptake in the brain. This action increases serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood regulation.

Zoloft treats anxiety disorders and several other conditions like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

The medication is available in tablet form with different dosage options depending on the treated condition. A liquid form is also available for people struggling to swallow pills. Both Wellbutrin and Zoloft are effective medications for treating depression. However, they work in different ways and have other side effects.

Combining Wellbutrin and Zoloft

While some antidepressants don’t work well together, Wellbutrin and Zoloft complement each other when combined. Combining these two medications can be more effective for treating depressive disorder than either medication alone.

People with difficulty dealing with depressive symptoms, even though they’re on one of these medications, may benefit from taking Wellbutrin and Zoloft.

A study published by the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that the efficacy of Wellbutrin was enhanced when the drug was combined with Zoloft.

Since the drugs target different neurotransmitters, they work together to provide a more well-rounded approach to treating depression.

However, the individuals who participated in the study experienced more side effects when taking the combination of Wellbutrin and Zoloft.

Benefits of Combining Wellbutrin and Zoloft

If your doctor prescribes a combination of Wellbutrin and Zoloft for your depression, there are some benefits that you can expect.

Offsets the Sexual Side Effects of Zoloft

Zoloft can cause sexual side effects like decreased libido and difficulty achieving orgasm, but Wellbutrin can help offset these effects.

Wellbutrin has been shown to improve sexual function in people taking SSRIs. So if you’re struggling with the adverse sexual side effects of Zoloft, this combination may be a good option.

Well-rounded Treatment for Depression

If you’re one of the several millions of people who suffer from depression, you know that finding an effective treatment can be a challenge.

While many antidepressant medications are available, finding one that works for you is not always easy.

However, combining two different medications may provide more relief than taking just one.

Taking both Wellbutrin and Zoloft gives you the benefits of two different antidepressant medications. This can provide a more well-rounded approach to treating your depression, which may be especially helpful if you haven’t had success with other medicines.

Of course, talking to your doctor before starting any new medication is essential, but this may be an option worth considering if you’re struggling to find an effective treatment.

Are Wellbutrin and Zoloft the Same Thing?

While Wellbutrin and Zoloft are drugs used to treat depression, they are not the same.

As mentioned earlier, Wellbutrin is an NDRI. This means it works by boosting the norepinephrine and dopamine levels in the brain.

Zoloft targets the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is why it’s in a drug class called serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. Unfortunately, both have side effects, so talking to your doctor is essential before starting either medication. They’ll be able to help you decide which one of these options is right for you.

Wellbutrin vs Zoloft: Which Antidepressant Is Stronger?

People who’ve tried Wellbutrin and Zoloft often wonder which one is the more potent antidepressant. Unfortunately, the answer to this question isn’t always straightforward, as each person responds to medication differently.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Wellbutrin and Zoloft?

All medications come with the risk of side effects, and Wellbutrin and Zoloft are no exceptions.

Zoloft has more side effects compared to Wellbutrin. This includes loss of libido, difficulty achieving orgasm, and weight gain. However, some people favor Wellbutrin over Zoloft because it doesn’t have these side effects.

Wellbutrin also has the advantage of being less likely to cause weight gain. This is a common side effect of Zoloft and one that many people find challenging.

Some of the potential side effects of Wellbutrin include:

  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Dizziness

These are common and can go away after a few weeks as your body system adapts to the medication.

Rare side effects of Wellbutrin include:

  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Fainting
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Rash

If you experience any of these rare adverse effects, it’s essential to talk to your doctor right away.

Zoloft, on the other hand, can cause the following:

  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Sleepiness

Like Wellbutrin, these side effects are common and usually go away after a few weeks.

However, as mentioned, sexual side effects like decreased libido and difficulty achieving orgasm may persist.

If you’re experiencing sexual side effects that are bothersome, talk to your doctor. If necessary, they can adjust the dosage or recommend a different medication.

What Drugs Interact With Wellbutrin and Zoloft?

Since the two drugs differ in how they work, they also interact differently with other medications.

Wellbutrin can interact with the following:

  • MAO inhibitors
  • Stimulants
  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • Other antidepressants

For instance, taking certain medications can increase the risk of a seizure. These medications include steroids, certain diet pills, antipsychotic meds, stimulants, and hypo/hyperglycemic agents.

On the other hand, Zoloft can interact with the following:

  • Tryptophan supplements
  • Linezolid
  • MAO inhibitors
  • Lithium
  • St. John’s Wort

NSAID pain relievers like ibuprofen or naproxen can also increase the risk of stomach bleeding when taken with Zoloft.

Serotonin syndrome is another possible but rare complication that can occur when taking Zoloft. This happens when there’s too much serotonin in the body, and symptoms include:

  • Agitation
  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Sweating
  • Shivering
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache

If you experience any of these listed symptoms, it’s vital to seek medical attention immediately.

It is best to inform your physician of your medications, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, to avoid any possible drug interactions.

5 side effects of wellbutrin vs zoloft

How Should Wellbutrin and Zoloft Be Taken?

This depends on the dosage prescribed by your physician, but both Wellbutrin and Zoloft are taken once daily. Of course, your doctor may adjust this depending on how you respond to the medication.

Wellbutrin comes in immediate-release, sustained-release, and extended-release tablets.

The extended-release 150 mg is usually taken just once every morning. Zoloft 50 mg is taken only once daily but can be done with or without food.

Ask your healthcare professional if you have questions about taking Wellbutrin and Zoloft. Your doctor can change the dosage of Wellbutrin and Zoloft depending on your current medical needs and response to the medication.

Wellbutrin vs Zoloft Precautions

Like any other medications, Wellbutrin and Zoloft come with their precautions.


As mentioned earlier, medications like MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants can interact with Wellbutrin and increase the risk of seizures. Therefore, if you have a history of seizures, it’s important to tell your doctor before starting Wellbutrin.

Other precautions for Wellbutrin include:

  • Bupropion SR may not be suitable for people with liver problems.
  • Those with heart problems or a history of heart attacks should use Wellbutrin cautiously.
  • Individuals with an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia should not take Wellbutrin.

This is because the medication can increase the risk of seizures in these populations.

Wellbutrin is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Only pregnant women with severe depression should consider taking Wellbutrin, and even then, only under the close supervision of a physician.


Zoloft comes with its own set of precautions as well.

For instance, people with liver problems should use Zoloft cautiously as it can worsen these conditions.

Other precautions for Zoloft include:

  • Children and teenagers under 18 should not take Zoloft as it can increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
  • Pregnant women should only take Zoloft if the potential benefits outweigh the risks.
  • Women who are breastfeeding should not take Zoloft as it can pass into breast milk and cause harm to the nursing baby.
  • People diagnosed with bipolar disorder should not take Zoloft as it may trigger a manic episode.
  • Zoloft may interact with street drugs like MDMA and increase the risk of serotonin syndrome.

If you are at risk of these conditions, speak to your doctor before taking Wellbutrin or Zoloft.

Wellbutrin and Zoloft Taken Together: Reviews

The combination of Wellbutrin and Zoloft is sometimes called Welloft and can be prescribed to patients in some cases.

As the Journal of Psychopharmacology reports, combining Wellbutrin and Zoloft may be more effective than taking either medication alone.

In some forums on the internet, people have posted their reviews of taking Wellbutrin and Zoloft together.

Some users feel more balanced and level-headed, unlike when taking Wellbutrin or Zoloft alone. However, others found that Wellbutrin and Zoloft increased their anxiety levels when taken together and stopped taking the combination as a result.

However, some individuals first experienced a slew of side effects when they started taking Wellbutrin and Zoloft together but found that these subsided after a few weeks of treatment.

Reading reviews online does not mean that Wellbutrin and Zoloft will have the same effect on you. It’s always best to speak to your doctor about any concerns and follow their instructions for taking Wellbutrin and Zoloft together.

When To See a Doctor

If you’ve been taking an antidepressant for four to six weeks without improving your symptoms, it may be time to see a doctor.

Selecting the right medication is a process that often requires trial and error. Many different types of antidepressants are available, and it can typically take some time to find the one that works best for you.

It’s essential to seek medical help if you get any side effects from your medication, as these may worsen over time.

Side effects may include changes in appetite, weight, energy levels, or sleep patterns.

If you are feeling hopeless or have thoughts of harming yourself, it’s essential to seek help immediately. These feelings can worsen over time and may lead to suicidal thoughts or behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Still have a few questions about Wellbutrin versus Zoloft? We have a list of many frequently asked questions to help you get all the right information you need.

Some patients who are not helped by taking Wellbutrin or Zoloft alone may find that the combination of both medications is more effective.

The two drugs work in different ways to treat depression, so combining them may provide more symptom relief than taking only one of the medications.

Since there are already studies that show the combination to be effective, doctors may prescribe Wellbutrin and Zoloft together more often than other antidepressant combinations.

While Zoloft is notoriously known for its side effects, Wellbutrin is often thought to have fewer and less severe side effects.

But many people still experience some side effects when taking Wellbutrin, such as headaches, weight loss, dry mouth, stomach pain, and vomiting.

Most of the time, these adverse effects are mild and will ease themselves within a few days.

However, if you’re still experiencing them after that or they’ve gotten worse, it’s best to mention it to your doctor. They could help by changing how much you take or prescribing something different altogether.

Remember that everyone reacts differently to medication, so don’t be discouraged if you experience some side effects when taking Wellbutrin.

Asking your doctor if you should add Wellbutrin to Zoloft may be a good idea if you feel that your current antidepressant medication is not as effective as it could be.

You may also want to ask your doctor about Wellbutrin if you’re struggling with side effects from Zoloft, such as weight gain or sexual dysfunction.

Ultimately, only your healthcare provider can determine whether combining Wellbutrin and Zoloft is right for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, bring them up at your next appointment. Then, your doctor can help you make the best health and well-being decisions.

When it comes to psychiatric medications, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for someone may not work for another. Similarly, what works at one point may not be effective later.

As a result, working closely with a psychiatrist or other mental health professional is essential to find the proper medication for you. In some cases, Wellbutrin may be an option.

If you’re struggling with the side effects of Zoloft or if your current medication isn’t giving you enough relief, Wellbutrin may be a better option.

However, Wellbutrin is not suitable for everyone. Some people may find it’s no more effective than other medications, and others may experience bothersome side effects.

As with any medication, be sure to talk to your healthcare specialist about the pros and cons of taking Wellbutrin before making a decision.

The question of which antidepressant is best has been hotly debated for many years. Some say SSRIs are the most effective drug, while others insist on NDRIs like Wellbutrin. So, which is the better option?

Both SSRIs and Wellbutrin are effective at treating depression and other mental health conditions.

However, Wellbutrin may have fewer and less severe side effects than SSRIs. In addition, Wellbutrin may be more effective at treating certain types of depression, such as bipolar disorder.

The decision of which medication to take is a personal one that you should make in consultation with a mental health professional.

Wellbutrin is a medication that is commonly used to treat depression. However, it can also be effective in treating anxiety.

Some studies found it safe to take Wellbutrin for depression, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. But Wellbutrin also has a side effect that can increase anxiety in some people. How you react to Wellbutrin may or may not be an effective treatment for your anxiety.

People typically expect to feel worse when they first start taking Zoloft. A lot of people who take this medication may experience what is known as an initial worsening of symptoms, according to one study.

The most common side effects in people taking Zoloft include headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and nausea. These side effects resolve within a few weeks as the body gets used to the medication.

However, in some cases, the initial worsening of symptoms may persist and lead to treatment discontinuation.

If you are considering starting Zoloft, it is crucial to be aware of the potential for the initial worsening of symptoms. Talk to your doctor about your concerns, and ensure you are closely monitored during the first few weeks of treatment.

It can be tough to tell if your medication is working. But, if you’re taking Wellbutrin and Zoloft, giving the medications time to work is essential.

Typically, it takes around four to six weeks for antidepressants to begin working. For some people, it may take longer. You can look out for a few points to see if the medications are working.

First, you should notice an improvement in your mood. If you’re feeling more upbeat, that’s a good sign. You may also have more energy and motivation.

Another sign that the medications are working is if you’re sleeping better and having fewer anxious thoughts.

Of course, everyone responds to medication uniquely, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t experience these changes immediately. Just give the drugs time to work their magic.

If you’ve been taking Wellbutrin and Zoloft for several weeks with no improvement in your symptoms, it may be time to try something else. It is vital to consult with your healthcare specialist to avoid or better manage the withdrawal symptoms of stopping Wellbutrin.

There are a number of different options you can explore. For example, you might try another antidepressant medication or another treatment, such as therapy.

It’s also important to remember that Wellbutrin and Zoloft don’t work for everyone. If you’ve tried these medications and they haven’t worked for you, it’s not your fault. However, it would be best if you found something that does work for you.

The content on Doctor Alexa’s blog is reviewed by Advanced practice registered nurses or pharmacist and is intended for educational purposes only. This information should not be relied upon as professional medical counsel. Be sure to always consult with your physician about the dangers and benefits of any medication, treatment or procedure.

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